4 Week Yoga Routine by Tara Stiles

I am on a role! 2 posts in one day, look out! Like most 25 year old females I go on different kicks…some stick but most do not if I am being honest! Currently, I am falling in love with Yoga (hope this sticks!). Tara Stiles is leading the way! I was browsing herYouTube Channel and came across a 4 Week Strength Building Challenge sort of speak! It looks like its ending with me being able to do a handstand…but well see about that! This is more difficult than the first video I posted but still great for beginners in my opinion. I thought about taking a picture of myself, ya know of “my workout/yoga journey to a healthier me” crap, BUT then I thought naaaaa! Enjoy!

Yoga for beginners…

“Yoga for beginners” is what I typed into the search bar on Youtube and Tara Stiles’ video was on the first page of results…and for good reason! I did this video yesterday for the first time and was winded. Granted I have done Yoga before, but never consistently. I followed the video again this morning and seriously cannot believe the difference. Once you get past the awkward movements you can concentrate more on your breathing and you can really impress yourself like I did today!

“Just be happy”

Joseline Doddridge 11/2012

Some of the last few words my mother told my younger sister Nicole before she passed away. It really is so simply, but those three words are helping Nicole change her life. I have heard that when people die what they leave behind doubles in value. I now truly understand that more than I would like to. If my mothers advice was its own currency, I wish I would have been a better listener. I would be a richer woman if I had been.

Nicole and Mom

So glad we were able to take these pictures with our Mother for her birthday.

My First Post


This is me:)

I am in the beginning stages of my digital media and SEO career. I am a kinesthetic learner and thought creating a blog would help me with a hands on approach to this. For the time being I just to want to have a basic foundation of what it takes to operate a small site or blog, while having some fun on the side!