Paw Pals: Introducing Chewbacca

Paw Pals: Introducing Chewbacca

Morning walks with Riley

This is one of mine and Riley’s morning walks with Chewy the cat. Every morning I wake up, start coffee, sing to dog “happy to be alive, happy to be puppy”…not an actual song, just those exact words except I add my own personal beat to it and take him for walk. The picture is blurry because I didn’t care at the time of taking it! Notice this is pre-coffee. Anyway, it started about 6 months ago this cat would run out of the bushes at like 7:30am and meow extremely loudly at me! Like seriously loud for a cat. At first my dog would get all up in Chewy’s face and chewy wouldn’t mind, in fact try to cozy up next to him(Riley didn’t really care for it). It actually took the excitement out of it for RIley and now he just ignores Chewy minus the occasionally stare. I however have to pet the cat so it stops yelling at me. BTW I know its name is Chewy, because I had a run in with the owner who said the cat just showed up at their last home and never left. They named it Chewbacca, Chewy for short because of how much the cat talks. Sometimes we go a week or so without seeing Chewy…Its been nearly 2 and I am getting nervous something happened. I hope not, I like Chewy.

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